[Solved] Is there any problem with x.thunkable server?

How can you say it could be a block problem ? the event on scroll or anything like that even don’t exist ? Everything works fine after have scrolled down or double tapp on the screen… But if you don’t do any action on the screen nothing is shown what it cloned

my project also has problem with rounding number.

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@domhnallohanlon can I make a wild guess? Did you guys change something on your backend that updated all of our projects? I am asking because I just noticed that in one of my project’s screen where I use the text join block, one of the blocks was a space and now it has been replaced with nothing, resulting to my concatenated text being put together without any spaces in between. I bet you 20$ that something ran and updated some if not all of our projects. Can you please confirm this?

Also, please check why suddenly some updates only take place if you move your finger on the screen on both iOS and Android.

To the rest of the guys: Can you please check similar text concatenations in your projects to see if a space you put between text you merged has magically been chanced to well… not a space but rather nothing.


Hi @domhnallohanlon,

Any idea why v56 is the latest available on my iPhone 6s (iOS 13.1.3)?


I can’t see if the text problem is there, But i can confirm that many updates only happens after screen has been touched.
Resulting in textboxes being empty when a button is pressed, when in fact there is text in them, and at second press at the button the text is there.

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That is what I am seeing too, but I am running version 56 and can’t seem to update.

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I also only have version 56 available in my app store.

Correct. Version 56 is the latest for the Belgian app store

I have updated verson 120 and my loop works if i touch screen.

I am in Angola.

So the issue persists on version 120… nice!


I have also 120 on iOS 13 on a iPhone 11 only show cloned items on touch or scroll, testerday everything was fine ! and yes also on a downloaded app it happens the problem

It is thunkable issue…last night my project was performing well and after their updates it just got crazy.


So how can this be solved???

This won’t solve the problem obviously, but for what it’s worth I just tried connecting my VPN to a US server but I still can’t get any version later than 56. (So frustrating!)


here a video of it first time I scroll it show all the cloned items in one time, second time I open the app I tap and on tap it show for each tap a cloned item

Found version 120 trough testflight here: https://testflight.apple.com/join/7rBLpV07

But it still dont solve the problem.

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We need thunkable helps… It is so frustrating…
Need the verson to be changed…

Who is using iOS 13.3 beta 2 ?