My Google Play Console account got terminated what to do

My Google Play Console account got terminated what to do?

3 of my apps got suspended so it got terminated

some might have flaaged it
thay also give reason on mail
check once

This is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated.

REASON FOR TERMINATION : Multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address of your Publisher account.

Google Play Publisher terminations are associated with developers, and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services.

You can visit the Developer Policy Center to better understand how we enforce Developer Program Policies. If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this termination may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team.

Please do not attempt to register a new developer account. We will not be restoring your account at this time.

The Google Play Team

This is the reason they had given

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So check your previous emails for the violations.

I know all that, so I sent an appeal that I would be careful the next time. that would be okay right?

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Google rarely reverse their decision unless you can show they made a mistake.

Hopefully it will work out for you.

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I had an issue with one of my apps and went through the appeal process. The issue was that had (in Google’s assessment) misrepresented my app. I went back and read the policies carefully and changed the description and the various privacy policy disclaimers. My app and account were restored. The emails google send are vague. Take your time and read the email and all of the links they provide carefully and make sure you address all possible issues. Avoid arguing or simply resubmitting the same information.

Best of luck.


Hey @drted I tried exactly what you said and requested to get my dev account back and I got this email today

`Thanks for contacting the Google Play team.

We’ve reviewed the appeal for your developer account termination and have conditionally accepted the appeal based upon leniency considerations.

Conditions of the reinstatement:
Please remove all metadata mentions of COVID-19 or its synonyms for your apps (io.kodular.gmshack11.Crusher, io.kodular.shakthivign.CovidCrusher, appinventor.ai_shakthivign.coronafinisher). This includes references in places such as the app title, description, release notes. For additional guidance on Store Listing Guidelines, please refer to this Android Developer Blog post.

Please note that we don’t allow apps that merely provide the same experience as other apps already on Google Play. Apps should provide value to users through the creation of unique content or services.

You can read through the Repetitive Content policy page for more details and examples of common violations.

The account in question has been re-enabled for further use. Please note that any new policy violations may result in your account’s permanent termination from Google Play, as well as any associated accounts.

Please sign in to your Play Console to modify and/or republish any reinstated apps to make them available on Google Play. Before republishing your apps, you may also want to review the Developer Program Policies for additional policy guidance.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

The Google Play Team
Please visit the Google Play Developer Policy Center and Google Play’s Academy for App Success to learn more about building policy compliant and high quality apps. You can also visit the Android Developers Blog for the latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.`


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hey @gm_shack
can you explain by step what you did to return your account.because i didnot undertand.
i allready appeal and waiting for reply.
but i need to do exact same you did , so i need some help.
thank you.

Google play can’t handle other metadata from your .apk which the following metadata will access your google developers account. for data security. overloading of data can cause removal of app data which takes over all the data stored by our project. which in sense, it will give a notification as the server for your app was lost. the system may troubleshoot which may take things a big turn. this cause will remove your dev account too.

so it blocked you dev account not damage the system.

after you sent an appeal you just need to wait it took around 2 weeks or so for their response

thank you @gm_shack
i received reply . we have confirmed our initial decision.

You have learnt a valuable lesson, follow Google’s policies or face the consequences. Hopefully this will serve as a warning to others.


Worth sharing this old post again I think:

A lot of folks building apps for the first time don’t seem to fully realise their responsibilities as developer and publisher.

It’s so important that everyone takes the time to familiarise themselves with the policies of the marketplace where they’re operating (ignorance of the law is no excuse, and all that!)
It’s like setting up a store in the real world and saying “oh, I didn’t know I had give customers receipts” or “no one told me I had to pay taxes”.

A small bit of research upfront will save you a ton of time and energy in the long run


dear @domhnallohanlon
in the real life if you do mistake in real will pay Fine. not to destroy your work.

for me i purchase 3 games from site legal.
i search in google play store , and i didnot see the same games.,so i upload them to google play store.
google accept them and make them live in the store.
and after 3 days ,i get the 3 games susbended .and my account terminated.
note now i fount the same games in the store.

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When you create a Google Developer account you agree to their Terms and Conditions. If you do something against those Google have every right to ban you, it’s their company and their rules.

You are supposed to upload your own original work, or prove you have authorisation to upload someone else’s work. Did you purchase a licence to resell those games?

Check the apps’ descriptions or websites. Perhaps the original developer uploaded them, or someone purchased a licence or got permission to upload the. If not then complain to Google.


dear @Dean_Artis
now for example the developer for the one susbended game seller site:

the developer is same in three sites.

now the game in not in the developer google play :

but i found it here in google play :

and i purchased from here

so what should i do?

sorry i add three reply post because not allow for me to add more than two link in one post.
thank you.

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