[Solved] How do I get a list of values from Airtable?

I do things like this all the time - glad to hear you have everything back up and running again.

I’ve gone ahead and updated the title of the topic to more accurately reflect the question being asked here.

Also, just to stress that there actually was no problem with the “list of values” block.


or on Airtable’s side.

There are bugs and issues with every piece of software - Thunkable is not unique in that respect. We’re working hard to strike a balance between adding new features and fixing some of our known bugs and improving platform performance, however I feel there’s been something of an increase in posts where the initial assumption is that Thunkable is “broken” and in many (not all!) cases this is not the issue at hand.

Again, yours is certainly not unique in this regard, please don’t feel like I’m singling you out here!

Anyway, TL;DR Hopefully we can all be a little more careful with the topic titles we choose (myself included) and that they accurately describe the problem at hand!