Live Test on Device Keeps Asking for New Codes and Doesn't Reflect Changes

Hi, @user829 Welcome to the community!
You did an amazing job asking your question! Clearly you probably checked out these links on how to post, if you haven’t, look here: How to ask Great Questions v2.0 + Community Guidelines

  1. If your Thunkable account is google based, just log into your google account on the Live App. You will see your projects (apps) in a list. Click on the one you want to test and the test it! (You do NOT need to press the “Live Test on Device” button if your testing with google. You just need to log onto the same google account you use for Thunkable projects, on your Live App).

2 hours later: Man I didn’t read this 100% correctly!

  1. Here’s some more info on the real-time changes:
  1. You just need to have a good internet connection to see your code on your phone, and sometimes if you change the code on your phone, it may not save on your project, so its best (and probably easier) to do it on computer.

Thanks @martint for pointing this out.