How to ask Great Questions v2.0

Hi Thunkers!

Here are a few things to consider before you create a new topic in the Community.

Before you Ask

  • Do a search of the Community to see if your question has already been asked.
  • Check the Thunkable Docs to see if there’s an example you can use.
  • Have you watched the Thunkable Academy videos on YouTube?
  • Make sure you have a really descriptive topic title for your post.

Creating a Helpful Topic Title and Posting It In the Correct Place

Avoid using titles like, “my app is broken” or “HELP ME!!1!”, instead try to briefly describe the problem you are trying to solve. i.e.
“How do I change the background color of Screen1?”

Be sure to think about the category you choose when posting a new topic. Most technical questions about Thunkable will go into the Questions About Thunkable category.

Asking Your Question

Take your time when writing your question - remember, the only person who knows what you’re trying to do is you - be as clear as you can when describing what you are trying to do and the issue is. Please share as much detail as possible. Here are some good details to always include in your in question:

  • Are you building a “snap to place” or “drag and drop” project?
  • Which part of the platform you’re having trouble with (Design, Blocks, Data Sources, Thunkable Live, downloaded APK file, a published app on the App Store, etc.).
  • What you’re hoping to accomplish.

And, if it’s appropriate, include some Screenshots

If you see any error messages be sure to include them as a screenshot or text. You can find info on how to access your browser’s console here.

Similarly, if you are seeing an error message while viewing your app, a screenshot of the error can be very helpful.

Short videos can also be helpful if you are trying to show what is happening while your app is running. For videos, we like using Loom but any screen recording will do.

It is also useful to know any constraints that you have i.e. must use a certain component, can not rely on web connection etc. It is also helpful to state whether you have any programming experience.

After you have received an answer

Most of the members of this community are volunteers who like helping others and do so in their own free time. If someone else in the Community has taken the time to offer advice, you can express your gratitude by clicking the like button or @mentioning them in a reply.

If you have solved the problem you originally came with then please let the community know how you did it and what the cause was. If a user helps you solve a problem you can mark the post as solved. To mark a post as solved, click on the checkbox at the bottom of the post that solves the problem. If you created the post, be sure to edit your title with “[Solved]” at the beginning to let others know.

Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Happy Thunking!