How to save only one data at a time from Data Viewer List (DVL)

I am trying to save the data that a data viewer list shows me from one field. Whenever I try to save it, all the possible data options in that field are saved in one box. How do I get the list to iterate through all the data and save only one of the options per row

What it shows

What I need it to show

I’m confused because a Data Viewer List syncs to a data source that you provide. So why are you trying to get data from a DVL? You already have the data. It’s in the data source.

Can you show me what the data source looks like (not the save/export… which I’m not even sure how you’re doing)?

You’ll need to provide some more details here because as I said, I’m not sure why you’re trying to do this.

Sorry for the confusion. The data that I have is for an attendence sheet based on google sheets. You helped me out with this issue a few months ago. The data that I am showing in the DVL is on a different sheet. I also need to save some other factors along with this data in the main spread sheet.

Here is how I saved the data.
This works for iterating through data and only showing specific data based one requirement for google sheets.

But you have access to both data sources, right? Both Google Sheets?

What does the spreadsheet look like and what data are you trying to get from it?

The screenshot you posted above with “What it shows”… how are you creating that?

Okay, so are you trying to get data from one data source (Google Sheet) and then save it to a different data source (Google Sheet)? I think maybe I understand now. It confused me that you said you were trying to save data that a data viewer list shows you. This topic is actually not about DVLs at all from what I’m gathering.

I’m having deja vu. It’s really helpful if you either continue in a topic you already created or at least link to it. I had to go back and find these because I didn’t have all of the info you’re talking about.

You probably need a Wait block to slow down your loop so that the create row block has enough time to complete its tasks before the loop calls create row again.

Ok, this method worked, thank you.

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