Data Viewer List Refresh

Hi Thunkers.
I would like to know about these two possible blocks
dvl refresh
Any component DVL refresh
. I’m trying to overpass the 100 rows we get when calling our data from Google sheets… Or is there a better way to do that?

The refresh data block just syncs the displayed data to the current data in the data source. It has nothing to do with how many rows of data there are or which rows get displayed. You may need to load rows 1-100 and then rows 101-200 to replace that, etc. I imagine you would do that with a Google Apps script or a loop through those rows in Thunkable.

Hi, Tatiang, Thanks for the information. I just don’t know how to to that (101-200, 201-300, 301-400… because I’m working with vocabulary, and that means thousands of words) and I don’t find any example to loop those rows in thunkable either… I thought perhaps the block in Any Component should be enought. In fact, I used it, and nothing happened, I erased it, and now one of my DVL proyects is able to “read” all of the elements in the list, and I can’t figure out why… I have trried some workarounds you suggested, and nothing If you had a working model, it would be great.
Thank you

I don’t know how to do it either but if you Google Google apps script get rows, the first result looks quite promising.

In Thunkable, you would do something like this:

Often these kinds of loops are too fast to allow for the creation of the row each iteration so it can help to put a Wait 0 seconds (which is a tiny delay!) inside the create row block and/or right after it.

By the way, if you only need one column of data from Google Sheets, there might be a much easier way to do this using the list of values block.

Thank you so very much for your blocks. I’ll try them at once, and I will let you know about the results. Well, I need several columns of data from google sheets, to use them in multiple choice tests, for instance.

Hi, I have been trying to use your example according to my blocks, but as I’m not really sure, and I don’t get the results I need, I have to ask you to have a look at my blocks, just to see what should be the Name of my app or stored variable I have to use. Or the order of those elements


I’m so sorry! There was an important detail missing from the blocks I shared. :grimacing:

When you loop through the rows of your Google Sheet such as 101 to 200, you should be creating rows in a different data source. For that, I would use a local data source for speed although you could use another Google Sheet if you wanted to. And then use the second data source for displaying values in the app. The first/original data source is only used as the master database but isn’t referred to any other time.

And you would also delete all rows from the second data source, not the first/original.

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Well, I have a second local Data source, called Current Term, but it is only to take the data four by four to show it in the Data Viewer List.
You are the expert, but I can’t see it when you say “to create rows in a different data source. For that, I would use a local data source for speed although you could use another Google Sheet if you wanted to”… If I create another google sheet, wouldn’t I have the same limitation every 100s to retrieve the data?. And, not being an expert, as it is my case, how would I do that?
Anyway, I think that all these details, very important details, should be perfectly explained in the documentation and with some examples… I imagine many people will have files with more than 100 entries… just to have the same problems I’m having, and needing the same explanations I need to solve this… all of my projects are unfinished because I can’t solve this very same problem, and not knowing how to do things
Any way, thank you very much

The idea is to display 100 entries at a time but allow the user to cycle through more sets of 100. The purpose of a second data source is to keep the original pristine with thousands of rows and with the second data source to continually delete all rows & populate it with 100 rows.

I would argue that most projects don’t require displaying hundreds of items in a list at one time. Is there a reason you need to display thousands of words at once to the user? What does your user interface look like?

Hi, @tatiang
Thanks for your answers. I’m thinking I’m going to have to abandon the DVL method and come back to the buttons one,
to show words 4 by 4 in my multiple choice questions, because they don’t have these problems. In one of my interfaces, you can see a list viewer with all of the words you need to learn, no limit, so I think I need the same in the other interface. If I didn’t do it this way, I imagine ((as I don’t know how to program it) I should have to make a menu with 18 choices (for instance, one of my vocabulary lists is about the verbs that are similar between English and Spanish…(yes, more or less 1800 verbs), and there are a total of 18000 similar words to group one way or another… So, It’s a pity but I’ll have to come back to my very first steps in this thunkable world.

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