What is "No-code"?

The design of your app deosn’t matter, Meanwhile, If you’re an enthouasist in math,sience,code or even know the meaning of coding which deos matter.

back when I was five years old, I was the OPPOSITE of that.

I used to SLEEP in classes.

I’ll tell you how this went:

June, 2019

My uncle was very happy to make me learn coding olong with my family.

My gift on my birthday (June 29) was Whtjr coding classes I was getting super exited, I could see my name on the play store, and more.

but it was the opposite, when code.org came into existence .I reccomend to not click the link because that will KILL your enthuasism in coding.

Well, Thanks to Thunkable.

When I was enetering, I tought thunkable was hard and I know I can’t do anything.

I dug into that a little deeper, searched google for all this stuff and junk. and I found the diamond of my coding journey:

Coding is not just some peace setting random blocks or typing random words, but well, all your job or super computers can’t exist without all this junk.