Welcome to our new members

Welcome to the Thunkable Community and to the Teachers’ Lounge @Heather_Drolet, @tfountain , @Mark_Ahrens, @Mary_Hartigan-Demers, @ThomasIvory3, @William_Plump, @Scott_Jacobson and @yosik

Please feel free to introduce yourself here and tell us a little bit about how you are using Thunkable with your students.

Hi fellow teachers.
I am a NewMedia lecturer at Michlalah - Jerusalem College, a Teachers College in Israel.
Among other courses, I have a course on app dev for teachers and chose Thunkable as the platform which I would use for his. After 2 years/courses, I can fully say that I made a good choice, in our case. The learning curve is easy enough for my students and they very much like the visual programming paradigm.

For this year, I am still very ambivalent about Thunkable X. As advanced as it is, it still doesn’t offer the components and workflow that Thunkable Classic does. I still have a few months before I start the course, so I"ll wait and see.

I’d be happy to exchange views and ideas about Thunkable in the Education framework.


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