Thunkable Telegram Group!

For those of you haven’t noticed yet and are interested in joining, there is a Telegram Chat group for the Thunkable community and everyone is welcome to join. Thanks to @Barreeeiroo for starting it! For those of you not familiar with Telegram, it is a chat platform similar to WhatsApp, WeChat, GroupMe, etc.

We’ve just added a discourse Telegram plugin notification. This plugin allows users to receive their notifications via a Telegram bot, allowing them to turn off email notifications and still keep up-to-date. If you would like to use this, you can message the “Thunkable bot”

To activate the telegram/discourse plugin (you also can just join the telgram group!) after you message the Thunkable bot, you will receive an message that says “To get notifications for Thunkable Community, enter the ‘Chat ID’ XXXXXXXX in your user preferences”

Click on your preferences, the “gear” icon under your profile picture, then click on “profile”, scroll down and input the Chat ID where it says “Telegram Notifications”

If this is confusing on unclear, please ask questions you may have!


Something remarkable about Telegram is that your phone number is not shared, so your privacy will keep intact :wink:

Also, the group counts with a bot that notifies everyone foreach new post:

From the bot, you can like posts or reply them through there :smile:


I should also mention that a lot of Thunkable community members and Power Thunkers are part of this group and we can answer all your questions in real-time and as quickly as possible. (and chat about anything Thunkable related!)


interesting. Downloading Telegram Right a way :grinning: