Thunkable Ranting

Why does something with - now lets not beat around the bush - an expensive subscription, not have some of the most basic quality of life functions. There’s no way to easily duplicate, no undo, redo, etc. I can see potential in it sure, but there’s so much missing from this to make it an anywhere near viable platform. The menu is clunky, moving around objects is far more tedious than it should be and most of all, trying to make something like a 4 page quiz requires every object to be individually placed, edited and coded. Something as simple as an undo function, or a duplicate that worked across screens would improve this by leaps and bounds. The ability alone to duplicate a page would streamline the process by so much. Don’t see why it isn’t implemented already, as it’s been requested - quite frequently too, - to the staff. Now sure, it’s a free platform, i don’t expect the Adobe Dreamweaver of app dev, but this is so below average, it’s really so tedious and long winded to use. We need Quality of life changes. We need easy duplication. We need the basic features you didn’t provide!
~A concerned college student, stuck using your app.


So true


Hey there, thanks for leaving your #feedback

We’ve actually written a number of posts on how to use blocks, functions and loops to create robust, dynamic apps.

Here are a few recent examples

Typically duplicating screens or components is a bad idea, and it’s much better (in the long run) to get your blocks to do this heavy lifting. That being said, we realise that for novice users this is an important feature and we’ve been working on adding it to the platform for quite a while now.

Once testing is completed we’ll be adding these abilities.

Aside from copy/pasting screens and components, is there anything else that falls under the heading of “basic features”?


Features such as a simple undo/redo would be very much appreciated. Other features I’d say come under basic could be The duplication ,undo/redo - as mentioned - and a more smooth drag and drop interface would cover the immediate basics in my opinion. Also, let’s not be nasty. I don’t find thunkable challenging to use. I find it slow, and generally inefficient when I have to slowly drag and drop buttons and labels onto my screen aswell as edit the layout of each page individually. Not gonna take it too far, but if you find my feedback upsetting, don’t let me give you it.
~ An amateur thunkable user.

Don’t revert changes that are made by a member of staff.

This, IMO, is the challenge that you face when using the platform. If it were easy for you to use then you wouldn’t be “ranting”, right?

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Leave this man alone. Stop changing the title Thunkable

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