Speech to text is not available on your device

We do not have such code of conduct in the community.

Welcome to the Thunkable community. This issue has not been resolved yet. However, the speech to text is an engine or a service that is more of phone maker related. Have you checked that the phone service works with other apps?

See this post as it may give you a clear picture of the issue

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:thinking: I have never heard of such a procedure.

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@vishruth-ram I am not able to send you a private message so I’ll just put this here.

I appreciate that you are helping other people on the forums but please let staff and moderators such as myself address any rules or procedures about using the forums. If you think there’s a problem with a particular post or user, you can let us know but in this case, for example, suggesting that a user wait until staff welcomes them is just incorrect. Perhaps you meant something else?


however, if this topic has been resolved, please ask @norif to start a new topic, I genarally typed some random words in it. :smiley: