Over the weekend I had a problem with the link to open a conversation to the whatsapp application from my applications. This link and the applications worked perfectly because I even have it published in the App store and play store.
The error marks that the link is incorrect or invalid and previously worked fine. In the same application I have buttons with the same function with the same link and some will open and others will not. I already verified and it is the same link because everything worked fine before.
Are you so kind to help me how can I correct it, please? or it´s a WhatsApp error.
The screen shows send--sanitize-- which means the link used is hidden and the error could be due to the link using an invalid invitation to a group instead of a phone number or the phone number or the full URL is not formatted properly.
Thank you for your information. Before posting I was using this link also to open a chat with a specific phone number:
h ttps://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=+524421812321
(without the space after the letter H in https)
The strange thing is that on my cell phone it works and on my wife’s it marks the error that I had already mentioned. I will use the information you kindly provided me.