[Solved] Images from cloudinary not showing on device live test

hi. I am making a quiz app and I intend to add images on the image component so the user will be able to identify the image as part of the quiz. The image can be seen in web preview but not in an android live test. I used images uploaded on cloudinary media and create a table on data asset. I am not sure what blocks to use to make the images appear on device live test. Thank you for the response.
Attached are the screenshot of the project on web and device preview as well as the blocks used.

Hi glorifelabrildac0, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

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Could you share the full URL to one of the images from your list? It may be an issue there but I would need to see the entire URL first.

Thank you Sir.
This is the URL of one of the images

That URL returns this for me:

{“error”:{“message”:“missing token”}}

It sounds like you didn’t use a public link to your Cloudinary image. So it works for you but no one else.

I tried generating a public link but the web preview does not show the image. I am not sure if I did the right thing in generating the link. I am new with cloudinary also. This is the link of the first image. Thank you very much for your assistance.

That’s not the link to the image… that’s the link to the Cloudinary download page:

To get the public image url, open the image in Cloudinary and right-click and then choose Copy Link Address:

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If you go to your media library in Cloudinary and click on the image, download options should appear. From there you can click on the “Copy Url” icon and that should give you a shareable public URL that will work in Thunkable. If you are using a URL to populate an image, it has to end in the file extension of that image, so .png, .jpg, etc.

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Thank you for this instruction Sir. I was able to generate a public URL, I think. https://res.cloudinary.com/djyt174dd/image/upload/v1719194031/8_cqknhy.jpg
But still, the device live test does not show the images.

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I tried it on other device and it’s working! There must be a problem with my device. Thank you very much for your assistance.

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