[Solved] Can not publish to iOS, problem with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription which is not used

My app was accepted by Apple today for review after clearing the “Tracking Usage Description” field. It does not make any sense why this was pre filled. It delayed publishing my app for a week. Strangely production support did not tell me to clear the above field and I had to discover it from this topic.
Thanks to everyone who fixed this issue.


Update… did not work, still received the rejection mesage (13 Dic 2021, 14:07 UTC-6)… Any updates?

Our engineers are working to figure out what’s going on. We still aren’t sure why some apps are being approved and others are not. When we figure out more info, we will let you know! In the meantime, any more info on successful publications would be greatly appreciated!

Same issue.


I did a quickie “Reply” to the latest rejection notice, explaining the situation, and they just re-replied with the exact same rejection notice, not very helpful. So I will try a formal appeal, but it would be super-helpful to be able to state that our latest builds do NOT contain any AdMob SDK or other App Tracking Transparency code.

I’m a PRO user. My App have NOT admob in app, anyway when I send it to appstore for approval, Apple reject and answer:

We noticed your app’s binary contains references to App Tracking Transparency, but you have indicated you do not intend to ask users for permission to track at this time.
Since App Tracking Transparency is only intended to be used by apps requesting authorization to track, it would be appropriate to disable App Tracking Transparency before resubmitting your app for review.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, remove any App Tracking Transparency-related keys in your app’s info.plist and from localized string files.
In addition to removing these keys, you may also choose to fully remove other references to the AppTrackingTransparency framework from your app.

What I can do to remove any reference to admob?

(I read all post, I tried all solutions, but “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”, not resolution…)

Thanks in advance
(sorry for my italian-english)

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So I did a formal appeal and was turned down. They say that the reviewer is requesting information (revising the Metadata) that I am not doing. I am really at a loss.

To anyone I did not respond to via intercom that is still experiencing this issue, can you please visit this page and fill out this form. If you have more than 1 project being denied, please submit for each project.

We are trying to make sure everyone is taken care of here and that we can root out the bug successfully!

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I got mine to work!

Here’s what I did. Since the refusal kept asking for a fix in the metadata, I edited my Privacy Metadata. Earlier, I had made the changes to the Privacy Metadata that Thunkable suggested because of the Bugsnap app that was being included in our builds: https://community.thunkable.com/t/your-app-does-not-follow-the-app-store-review-guidelines-bugsnag/1156297/24.

Then when it when later stated that Bugsnap was taken out of Thunkable, I edited my Privacy Metadata back to say that there was NO tracking. But perhaps Bugsnap was was actually still in the current build.

Based on https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/679585 where it’s thought that that the App Store checks the privacy of the current build before it accepts a new build, I went into the current build, went back and changed the Privacy Metadata back as though Bugsnap were still there. Then I submitted my new build, and it was accepted right away.

For the new build, I deleted everything in the fields as suggested above.

Now I will try to fix the Privacy Data again and resubmit a build with a minor change and see if it goes through.


Everyone should try to publish following the instructions in the post above! I yo index base with our team and it sounds like it should be good to go if you try and push a new version to the App Store.

So, I was able to successfully submit an update on Dec 10 but as I submitted yet another update, which was reviewed just now, I got the following rejection message (by the way, notice the iOS 15.2. if it makes any difference):

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.2.

Next Steps

Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user.

If you’ve implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented.


After reading the latest post by @dlmetzgerbcch , I’m wondering what to do as I haven’t changed my Privacy Metadata regarding Bugsnap before. Maybe leave it as it is? Or edit the data as though Bugsnap was still there? Or should I just try to resubmit without changing anything at this point?

Thank you for your help.


So, I just rebuilt the app and submitted it again for review without changing anything. I could submit alright, so no problem there. By the way, I received the following message from Apple when I was sending the new build to App Store (not related to this, but might interested you anyway):

Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:

ITMS-90901: Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “thunkablecompanion.app” bundle includes UIRequiresFullScreen=YES in the Info.plist or supports only a subset of UISupportedInterfaceOrientations, and is built with the 14.5 SDK. To take advantage of the full screen size, recompile with Xcode 13 and the SDK for iPadOS 15 or later.

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I’ve got my app reject again.
Pushed to App Store today and they already reviewed it and rejected.

I updated the App Privacy to set up the Crash Data info and still doesn’t work.

We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we still need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.2.

No way. Apple reject again whith same sentence:
### Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements

We noticed your app’s binary contains references to App Tracking Transparency, but you have indicated you do not intend to ask users for permission to track at this time.

Since App Tracking Transparency is only intended to be used by apps requesting authorization to track, it would be appropriate to disable App Tracking Transparency before resubmitting your app for review.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, remove any App Tracking Transparency-related keys in your app’s info.plist and from localized string files.

In addition to removing these keys, you may also choose to fully remove other references to the AppTrackingTransparency framework from your app.


- See developer documentation for the AppTrackingTransparency framework.
- Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.

I’m bored. I’m thinking do a change.


I’m getting this warning too…

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You can ignore this error for now as it won’t impact your submission to Apple. We will have an update coming up.


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Did you build your app again and publish it to Apple again with the new version of the app?


Mine went through ok last week

I have just tried again after making a small update to the app and it has now failed again.

We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.2.

There are more changes in the latest iOS updates. I will send a couple of patch updates to our build servers and hopefully, they will fix the issue completely.

ETA: tonight (PST)



I don’t know if this will help but I finally was able to have my update to my app be approved by Apple. It took 10 days, 2 appeals, and 2 phones calls from Apple. The last phone call was from a Team Leader in App Review. She told that she would email me information as to what is causing the issue, 3 hours later and still no email from Apple. Hopefully they will send the information to me.

Can you please build and publish again?
