[Solved] Can not publish to iOS, problem with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription which is not used

Thanks for that update @wei! Wei was able to push out some updates to our build severs today that should have handled the issue. We recognize that this is a huge inconvenience to not be able to publish when you expect. :sweat: Moving forward this shouldn’t happen again.

Thank you all for bearing with us while we sorted out these issues.

So for everyone. If you are still having any issues with the user tracking issue: Republish your app and send a new copy to the App Store. In order to resolve the issue, they need the updated copy of the app.

If you are still having issues after this, please touch base again here.


@bedgepsnq @martint @lamagalhaes @leonardo4h @ethosworkfi @dlmetzgerbcch @Ironchorch_Yo


Thank you guys! Based on this, I now decided to cancel my yesterday’s submission and rebuild and submit again. So then I can really tell whether the new system works.

By the way, as I was checking that the tracking field is empty, it just came to my mind to highlight a topic (unrelated to this) that I raised a while ago already, namely, including all kinds of API keys within the app. As we know, reverse engineering is a real possiblity with apps, so taking this into account (advising Thunkable users about it), would be a nice and responsible thing to do. You hear those stories where someone’s API keys have leaked and malicious users have footed them quite nasty bills on cloud services…

So people really shouldn’t put that kind of API keys into their apps – or at least they should limit the usage on the cloud services side (as you can usually do). Naturally it’s not always easy to completely limit these potential risks – you need to be creative and possibly utilize some kind of backend of your own. But there are a number of easy fixes you can do, for instance with Airtable, you can create a read only Airtable by utilizing an intermediary Airtable account that has read only rights to the main one. Or you can use a Wordpress site to do all kinds of things and for instance utilize the webviewer for that (even communicating between the app and WP with simple scripts; you don’t always need to use REST API to connect with your site). And so on.

So, a support document on these things might save some users from getting into a real trouble, which might not usually be an issue, but will become a greater risk if someone’s app really gets off the ground.

I’m coming to publish again. Hope, hope, hope.

I am getting the same ITMS-90901 message in my email with my latest publish. It started last night.

Dear Developer,

We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, “Amazing Aurora” 5 (202111162321). Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:

ITMS-90901: Missing full-screen support for the latest iPad mini display. The “thunkablecompanion.app” bundle includes UIRequiresFullScreen=YES in the Info.plist or supports only a subset of UISupportedInterfaceOrientations, and is built with the 14.5 SDK. To take advantage of the full screen size, recompile with Xcode 13 and the SDK for iPadOS 15 or later.

After you’ve corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App Store Connect.

Best regards,

The App Store Team

Will this effect actually going live with an app? As in, will it pass Apple review? This could potentially be my last build if all of the bugs I found are fixed.

You should still. be able to ignore this and publish anyway! Please let us know how you get on! :slight_smile:

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Yes, please ignore this warning for now. Please also in the following statement in your message -

Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery.


It’s still not working guys… today I got another bounce in an update.
I also uploaded a new app, but the review hasn’t started yet.

For some reason, I had a functioning Restore Purchase set up and it quit. Keeps telling me I need to query the store first. I know what that means, so I’ll make some changes this weekend. I’ll try to publish the newest version to the live release this weekend/early next week and see how it goes.

Hi @lamagalhaes , so you got bounced, but the review hasn’t started?

Can you let us know how you get along after this newest review is complete?

Sorry, but you missunderstood me… I have 2 apps, one is an update, the other is a new one.
The update, that I’ve been trying to push, was reject again for the 5th time.
The new app, is waiting for review.

Same error again, App Tracking Transparency message.

Thanks for the update guys. @martint I have pinged the engineering team on this. I am hoping to have an answer to you before end of day. If i hear back after I sign off for the day, I’ll be sure to pop back in here an update you all.

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No luck, got rejected again. And this was with a build that was built after the latest “all OK.” So clearly, things are not OK yet. Basically, Apple is saying that the AppTrackingTransparency framework is in place, but then I’m not asking a permission to track. So we should be able to build without the framework. For example, for my app the components I’m using are: Airtable, Cloudinary, Push notification, Camera. So not much need for the framework, I guess?

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We’re looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 15.2.

Hopefully we’ll get this fixed soon. Thank you!

Did you include the permissions string for the push notifications? I’ve just pinged the engineer team about this. No guarantees that they are able to address this until Monday but Ive started the process.

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Hmm. What permission string? :slight_smile:

All I have with push notifications is the id’s for Android / iOS associated with OneSignal. With the push notification component I don’t even see a possiblity to add anything else. And on the general settings for the app, I have iOS permissions for using photos & camera (yeah, I also have the photo library component). But besides these, everything, such as Tracking Usage Description, are empty.

If it’s meaningful, I’m using the old / standard editing interface. Don’t know if there would be some more settings for this with the new editor?

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We will have a debugging session on Monday. @jared will share the info later.


Just to remind you that, according to Thunkable documentation, you cannot have the Push Notification in a new build for iOS, it has to be an update. This means, for new apps, it should be published without any Push Notification blocks or IDs. These should be included in an update.

I’m not sure if this is still valid but it is still in the documentation.


Hi, for those who still have the issue, I kindly ask you to build and submit it to Apple again from the Thunkable platform.

Once you have done that, please drop a message here and don’t submit it to Apple for review.

Just rebuilt and submitted mine in Thunkable, currently in thunkable build queue.

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I submitted minor updates to all 3 of my apps yesterday well after the “all clear” from Wei and Jared, all three denied, saying “We noticed your app’s binary contains references to App Tracking Transparency, but you have indicated you do not intend to ask users for permission to track at this time” Guideline 5.1.2. So, unlike with my previous problem where the metadata needed fixed, now they say they need new binaries.

I have just republished one of my apps, but will not submit until I hear from you.
