Screen flashes or like change bg to white whenever i change screen

ye bro help me in it

What else are you trying to do? Which method are you using, loading pictures or loading the text from a spreadsheet?

**i wanted to add back home button on last one hack so tell me for both loading the pictures, and text method …

and also** …

can you tell me what i do if i make more dupplicated screen from you provided one… for another hacks called "travling " and i add images that contain travleing hacks from like 102 png to 136, so what should i do now coz i have to add many difrent types of hacks from images method…

I highly recommend using a spreadsheet over using an image that contains only text. It will save you so much time, use up less space, and be easier to code. Link a google sheet to your app. Create a table for each type of hack.

Use this Project as you starting point and delete all unnecessary images.

A button now appears after the last hack is displayed. There is no need to create more pages. I set example background pics for each category.

With this method, all you have to do to add new hacks is to add it to your Google spreadsheets and let the code do the rest. Your app can be updated just by updating your spreadsheet, and there will be no need to republish your app, edit your code, or add any more images of text.

Copy this project, make a copy of this project as backup, and have fun reverse engineering it.

thank you but i already chosed that method … well how can i add button on last hack?..coz the project you provided its not working … here’s the screenshot:

I don’t have the project with the picture method anymore.

Just use this and replace or remove blocks you don’t want. You’ll have to code in the other method again as described in the solution above.

Make button appear.


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no i meant i chosed data method … …but why this project is again not working

The link works for me.

Try this one.

maybe you put project private thats why its not working

It is set to public. I don’t know why it’s not working for you. Try to clear your browser data.

See if you can save it from here.

Still not work… send screenshot of blocks, and how to add a app splash screen that just show for one time …

Home Screen code.

Hacks Screen code.

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