Problem generating Certificate (.p12 file)

For 3 days now I have been trying to generate p.12 file in the Push Notification Certificate Wizard, and it has been unsuccessful. Can you give me some advice.
Do you have similar problems?

Have you contacted Have you accepted all required docs in iTunes connect and are you sure that your Apple Developer account is valid?

The answer to all your questions is “YES”
This is the response from
Hi there,
Our provisionator tool is not working at the moment. Apologies for the inconvenience. You need to generate the cert from your apple developer account. Generate an iOS Push Certificate
Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Now I managed to generate the file but I can’t download it.

I’m having the same problem and I don’t have a Mac to generate the Certificate.
Any ideas on how can I procede?

We are waiting!


this site is loading (I didn’t try to create a provisioning profile)

Is it not working for anyone?

@jared the site is loading, but not working to generate certs.

But I got this reply from Shannon/OneSignal:

Hey there,
We don’t have an ETA on when the provisionator will work but we’ve had users follow this guide to generate a p12 without a macbook:

And I was able to create a .P12 file with no problem following this tutorial.


That’s great! Glad to hear you got it sorted out! Thank you for sharing the link!

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