Not to download application(.apk) From Error [App Download Error : Not Found]

App Download Error : Not Found From application (.apk)
No such object: thunkable-x-production/users/5bdd7ad1c6e0ff0082291c83/projects/5bdd9531ddd1c91bb62d5bcd/assets/5c9600ace886fc2bb0ab5c51

Link to project :

Please Help me For Fix a project To Download .apk

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You are right with the project problem. Did you delete any graphic files from it?


I may have deleted the graphic when editing the project, but I’ve uploaded a new graphic instead to every object, but I don’t know if Which Error is caused by ?

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Other users also report that when deleting files fail with the project. But I think the problem is much deeper.

I can only recommend you to make copies of projects more often. If your project is very important to you, then it is also desirable to copy the project to another account. I don’t want to frighten you, but in my practice there were situations when several screens in my project were damaged so that they could not be removed and to save the rest of the project I had to completely remove these screens.


There are some graphic file that I tried to delete, but I can’t delete them.Is it related to Error from object this part?

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Yes, the problem with the project is that you cannot delete some files from it.


Hi there,

Like @actech said, this was an issue with the assets of the app.
I’ve just fixed the assets. I’m now able to remix the project.
Can you try downloading your project again? Let me know if it works!


I’m get the download to android App is a Error Command Failed, but download for IOS App Sent to Email Success

Please, Can you fix the command failed for Download Android App?

App Download Error: Command failed: $ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/28.0.3/aapt package -f --no-crunch -I $ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-27/android.jar -M /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml -S /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/resources -m -J /usr/src/app/backend/…/thunkableCompanion/android/app/build/generated/not_namespaced_r_class_sources/prodKernelTemplate/processProdKernelTemplateResources/r -F /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/resources.apk -G /usr/src/app/backend/…/thunkableCompanion/android/app/build/intermediates/proguard-rules/prodKernel/template/aapt_rules.txt --custom-package host.exp.exponent -0 apk --output-text-symbols /usr/src/app/backend/…/thunkableCompanion/android/app/build/intermediates/symbols/prodKernel/template --no-version-vectors /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:2: Tag <manifest> attribute package has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:11: Tag <permission> attribute name has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:16: Tag <uses-permission> attribute name has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:337: Tag <category> attribute name has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:434: Tag <provider> attribute authorities has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:456: Tag <provider> attribute authorities has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:539: Tag <category> attribute name has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:671: Tag <provider> attribute authorities has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:681: Tag <provider> attribute authorities has invalid character ‘@’. /usr/src/app/backend/builds/abf63b30-da3f-478f-bb0d-60d2ebb5aa47/AndroidManifest.xml:694: Tag <provider> attribute authorities has invalid character ‘@’.

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@jane @actech I’m Success for download a application, thank for help a fix and suggestion.
Thank you so much.

I’m fix a Command Failed

If the solution is to change the App (Bundle) ID
of the application it should be “com.account.appname”

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I have the same problem with my app.
link to my project: I got error when I want to generate a link.
my app name: robyt
Can you help me please?

Hi there,

If you copy the URL of your app project from your browser and send it to me, I can sort this issue for you. You can reply with the link here or send me a private message.


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Hello @actech, how do I make copies to another account, especially when I only have one account?
I have really important projects, and I would like to have more security against the risk of damage…
Here is the link.
Thank you!

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Hi there,

You should be able to generate a Share link for your project now. Please test that out for me and let me know if it works.


It works, thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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You need to create a new account and just copy the project url from the old account to the new one. For example, I am currently working in my third account. All projects from my first and second account stopped running.

Hi @actech, ok I can open a new account. But what happens to my PRO status?

The new account will not have PRO status. Therefore, creating a new account is suitable if you are creating public projects.

Hi jane

I have the same problem with my app.
you can solve my error please.
link my app : Thunkable

Thank you so much.

I’m Success for download a application. I’m fix same @GGgrado_Dragoness thank you.