Not to download application(.apk) From Error [App Download Error : Not Found]

Glad to hear it’s working for you now @anuphan.suo50y7

Dear Thunkable staff I got a similar error message.
I can download the APK fine. When I try to Publish, it says:

Command failed: java -jar /backend/mis/pepk.jar --keystore=/tmp/android.keystore --keystore-pass=87871b64-37d2-4d19-844b-f34026c1009b --key-pass=87871b64-37d2-4d19-844b-f34026c1009b --alias=AndroidKey --output=/tmp/ --include-cert --encryptionkey=eb10fe8f7c7c9df715022017b00c6471f8ba8170b13049a11e6c09ffe3056a104a3bbe4ac5a955f4ba4fe93fc8cef27558a3eb9d2a529a2092761fb833b656cd48b9de6a Error: Unable to access jarfile /backend/mis/pepk.jar

I can DM send you the private link when you are ready for it. It have been creating a new copy of the app whenever I make edits. Could that have something to do with it?


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