🎉 New Thunkable ✕ PRO Feature: Publish your Project as a Web App 2020-03-11

Not at the moment @Dany_Coimbra but we should hopefully be able to add this in the future.


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It appears to me that text input is an issue using chrome browser on android. When using safari on iOS 13 it works fine. Password input doesn’t seem to be a thing though.

I saw the same. No hidden text. I think the workaround will be to make the text invisible. We could add a switch to “reveal password” that would switch text color from invisible to visible or show a label that shows the hidden text.

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Hi all,
Thanks for your support and patience! Some fixes/improvements will be out soon, and we will continue improving the web app publish experience, and keep you updated here. Thanks again for being supportive! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi all,

The label issue should be fixed now, and we took off the Thunkable icon on the loading screen. When you get a chance, please take a look and let us know how it goes.

We’ll continue working on other issues and keep you updated. Thanks!


Thanks a lot, @tingccc!

I’ll check and inform soon if I find any bugs :grinning:


Is there any possibility of removing the Phone Mockup when loading from a desktop. Maybe just render in landscape mode? This would be great to incorporate a sign in like feature for a website.


Hi @eoinparkinson

Thanks for your feedback. This might need the team to have a further design discussion. I’ll bring your idea to the team and keep you updated on how that goes. Thanks!


Can you create an option that will fill the entire screen of the site? Because if the site opens on a computer, it’s really inconvenient (it looks like a tiny simulator)

Also add a button like add to the homescreen !! or nobody will know it’s a pwa

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With the web app, no need to put my work on any store. This is a great development to thunkable. Congratulations to the team.
How soon do we expect support for map and alert? I can’t wait to see them.
In the meantime, is there a walk around to load map url like https://google.com/maps?q=lat,lon
I get google refused to load url as response.


Yes, the team will have a design discussion on the option to take off the phone frame and fill the entire screen. Thanks for your feedback! We’ll keep you updated here :slight_smile:


Hi, @Dany_Coimbra

On an iPhone, when you open the web app and hit the share option, there is “Add to Home Screen” (as shown below), or do you mean something else? If so, can you further explain it to me? Thanks!



Android’s Chrome too has a shortcut function!
When you click the " ⋮ " icon on the top right area, you would find a "Add to Homescreen" option :+1:


Thanks! :blush:

I’m speaking about the landing page where we see the web app It would be nice if under the phone there would be a explaining like add it to your home screen with informations how to add it a lot of people don’t know it

yes this

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Hi @Dany_Coimbra,

Thanks for your feedback! It’s a good suggestion :smiley: :+1: @domhnallohanlon created a step by step instruction on “Add to Home Screen” that you could add to your app as the footer. We hope that helps!


NO… I’m speaking about the the webapp when it opens on the browser !
There should be a add to home screen instruction like a pop up like that clients / users that discover it know that it is a pwa that they can add to the phone

Like this a action boutton and when it’s clicked it show instructions for android and ios

Dany…the link that Ting sent you shows exactly how to do this

Also, please remember to edit your posts, rather than making multiple posts in a row like that - we’ve covered this already.

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