🎉 New Thunkable ✕ PRO Feature: Publish your Project as a Web App 2020-03-11

hah…it’s a long story, it had content, then I forgot to renew it, ended up spending way more than I should have to get it back and then after all that I never got around to putting back any of the content :joy: One day, maybe?

That’s what I was thinking. So, we’re not a domain name registrar or reseller but I was wondering how many folks would want to essentially “white-label” there app by purchasing a domain name?

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@domhnallohanlon this is what I mean. I don’t mean a url redirect to the thunk.app domain. Essentially the search bar should show my custom domain, but the screen should display my web app. Kind of like linking your custom domain to GitHub pages or Netlify (instead of myname.github.io it will show myname.com). You change the DNS records with your registrar and point them to Thunkable Servers.

Something like this would be a lot of work, but it would be a massive leap forward for Thunkable. You could use it to add sign in functionality to your own website.


That’s exactly what I meant :smiley:

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Due to the work of the thunkable team the problem is already solved

Thank you!


Fantastic news - glad to hear that @fjfon

Looking forward to seeing the web apps that you publish!

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Hi @domhnallohanlon,

I have several apps developed with Thunkable Classic published in the Play Store. Now I’m developing them with Thunkable X, but I’m having trouble importing the keystore. I hope I have solved it before July

Thanks for your help!

Thanks for waiting for our fix, @fjfon, and glad to hear the confirmation from you! :smile:


Hi @jared, thanks for reporting! The RealtimeDB component should work for the web app now :slightly_smiling_face:

Please try to publish your project as a web app again (hit the Publish Current Version button in the Publish as Web App popup), and let us know if you’re still experiencing issues using RealtimeDB. Thanks!


@tingccc any story on text input being fixed? I can’t click into an input box. It simply hides the keyboard and quickly refreshes the page as such.


@tingccc hi and thank you for working on this.

As far as i can tell, this is working swell!

Thank you!

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It happens to me too

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It’s amazing thank you !!! PWA ARE the future… But to many things are not supported :(((


@tingccc hi and thank you for working on this. I am able To log in.

New problem though. My columns that are scrollable “in app” don’t work “on web” and neither does a scrollable screen. Check it out with the link I shared above! :sweat_smile:



I caught a bug, which can be reproduced as follows -

  • Create an App, grab a row in the main screen.
  • In the row, add a button, and a label, and another button. So it would be like -

    button ; label ; button

  • The label’s width should be fill parent, and text blank.
  • When you publish as a web app / do live testing in the browser, you would see the labels no longer remain fill parent, and text changes to undefined.

In my Trackr App (January & February Hackathon), I’ve used a lot of blank labels, for (fill parent) gaps between components. Have a look on this screenshot -

Please have a look. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot! :blush:


I am having the same thing happen with my blank labels!


Is this in terms of the spacing issue or the text being “undefined” Jared?

I have a workaround for that latter, the former is new to me though!

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if a label is undefined on screen load then it returns ‘undefined’ as the text on screen load

I feel like starting the label off as a single space might solve the issue, no?

i am also having the weird spacing issues, the appearance as a web app is wayyy different than on phone appearance. (i have begun to notice this with android/iPhone with my main project as well)

plus the scrolling that’s not happening


Is there anyway to get away the loding thunakble logo from the pwa ?

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I am also having issues with the text input.