My name is Shaabaz. I read another topic on the community where I guy needed help changing the login email for his sign in because one email he was paying for pro and he has his big project on it. Well, I have landed myself into the exact same situation. I created my account with the wrong email address and I have ones that more easier to use and the one my Thunkable account uses is kinda full and can’t receive login emails or anything. One person said there is a manual way to fix it and I can give you the email for my Current Pro one and a new one if that helps but please fix it. I love coding and I really wanna continue but it is hard without Pro (this one (the one I am on right now) I just created purely for the ability to post this on the community). Thanks in advance.
Current Thunkable Email Account With Pro: sakha4@schools.vic.edu.au
One I Wish To Change It To: shaabaz.khan@icloud.com