Missing a proper undo inside the IDE

Programming is many times testing debugging and trying something to do. Thunkable is aesy to use but the lack of a hugh option makes it divicult.

When I program my blocks I test a lot and sometimes move the blocks around. I lose a lot of time making screenshots every change i make. I do so cause there’s no way of undo last changes. So move a block to wrong position or add something that does not work and then debug and getting back to previous situation is hard to do.

The best solution is an undo on the content (right mouse) menu. Deleting has an undo so why not make a undo for changes.


Totally agree with you. This has been requested multiple times so I’m not sure it’s going to help but please consider adding a comment to the existing GitHub feature requests related to this:

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This was a pain for me yesterday :sob:

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For now there just isn’t. Take my steps to workaround: Every time I start adding or changing I make a version backup. And for the blocks I use many screenshots to go a step back.

Please follow the above links to leave your comment on above (Tataing’s post) requests.


Not to be a broken record here but we really need version history support because while making a copy of a project as a backup is an okay workaround for not having an undo feature, the low limit of projects you can have in an account means that “backing up” a few projects in a fail-safe way exceeds that limit very quickly. sigh


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