Looking For Feedback On Thunkable Interactive Education

Hey Everyone,

So I am the process of seeing if it is worthwhile to integrate live immersive and interactive education into Thunkable, and part of that feedback is assessing if immersive education is valuable to the education community.

The feedback I’m looking for is:

  1. Does interactive education matter?
  2. If this was implemented in Thunkable, would you use it to teach?

I really need some more context here to be able to answer your questions.

  1. Do you work for Thunkable or are you a teacher who wants to suggest new possible features? Or new ways of using existing features?
  2. Can you provide a short summary of what these examples do? It’s not always obvious from just previewing the projects.
  3. What is the targeted audience? I assume it’s teachers but as far as students go, what age range do you see these examples working best for?
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