Live testing ios

Anyone having issues with live testing. Barcode not scanning for me. On same wifi.

Hi @Paul_Hamilton,

It’s working for me.

You’re scanning with the Thunkable iOS companion?


Downlaoded Thunkable app through Test Flight as per instructions. Still no luck.

I’m experiencing the same problem this evening. Usually, it connects after closing the browser and trying again, but so far no luck this time after a dozen attempts. Hopefully tomorrow it will be back to normal.

Does the scanner vibrate about twice a second while scanning? Forever? Does the barcode and scanner remain up? That’s what’s happening to me now,


Does Android live testing not work too? Test it too and reply!

Android Live seems to work okay.


Probably a coincidence, but it was working before the Discourse plugin upgrade, and started failing afterwards.


Plugins are not doing anything. Plugins are used for enablong features on this community forum

Hi All,

Not sure what changed.

After clicking Live Test to bring up the QRCode, then invoking the Thunkable companion app, scanning the barcode seems to repeat about twice a second forever. That is, the vibration repeats twice per second forever. The barcode stays up, and the barcode scanner stays up.

Don’t know what I’m doing wrong. This was working yesterday.


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Hi All,

Has anyone else experienced the exact symptoms that I describe above? Basically, the Live Test won’t scan properly, and never begins an actual live session.


Which iOS version you have?

I’m running iOS v10.2.1 on an iPhone 7.


Hi all –

Apologies for the confusion on live testing. We are constantly making updates to the live companion app so as in Android, you have to make sure you have the latest version of the Testflight companion app for live testing to work smoothly for iOS.

Unlike in Android, this may not happen automatically over the air since our app is not yet on the App Store – so one trick is to delete the companion that you have and then re-install the latest version from your Testflight app.

Hope this works for you!
Albert @ thunkable


Woohoo! Thanks @albert! It works perfectly now!



@BillG @albert

Hey! I am having the same problem as you BillG. I know you got it work but today its not working. I can access the live test companion app and use it to scan the QR code. iPhone virbates and then nothing happens. the screen on my phone stays on the original screen asking to scan the QR code on

Please help. I already tried deleting the companion app and reinstalling it however it did not work. :confused:


Hi @asardar,

In my case, upgrading to the proper Thunkable live companion version solved it, which you said you already did. When you start the companion, please verify that it’s the latest, which presently is v11. It’ll be on the startup screen.


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Hi @asardar,

Today, it seems to be broken for me as well.


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Hey @BillG

The version for the app is v11. Also glad it’s not just me.

Thank you BillG for the quick response.


Looks like it works for new projects only, but not for old ones.


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