[Solved] (iOS) iOSBeta down?

Hi All,

Is iOSBeta presently down?

When I try to do a live scan, the phone vibrates repeatedly forever, and the phone scanner screen stays up. I’ve seen these symptoms before when behind with the companion version, but I verified that I’m using the latest version (v12), and TestFlight has no later version.

I’ve reset my home network, phone, and PC. I’ve cleared the Chrome browser settings.

This was working yesterday. Anyone else having the same issue?


Hi All,

An update on this problem, which is now solved. :slight_smile:

I created an empty project, and was successful in connecting with Thunkable Live. I went back to the suspect project, and verified that it still failed. So, I started removing designer components, then blocks from the blocks editor. Removing the blocks is what fixed it.

I couldn’t go back to a backed-up suspect project for troubleshooting, since Thunkable iOS presently doesn’t allow backups.

So, at least two things will cause this behavior:

  1. An older rev Thunkable Live.
  2. Certain blocks in the blocks editor that are incomplete (not all inputs connected, etc.)?


Thanks for sending all this detail – we definitely should try to eliminate this confusion for the user -


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