Can't live test on iOS after update

I’ve just updated Thunkable live on my iPhone and I cant open up my app because it says “Something has gone wrong. Check your blocks and reset this page.” in a popup whenever i do with the option to reset or exit.

Have you tried Live Testing a different project? It will give you that error when there’s a problem with your project.

It works with other projects. Nothing is wrong with my app (works when I download) and it also worked on live test the first couple times

I have the same issue!

The first few trials are perfect, without any changes done, suddenly it keep crashing

I would encourage you to create a new topic, especially when this topic is almost two years old.

It’s important to share a link to your project. Otherwise, we have no way of knowing what’s causing the crashes.

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@tonyshimmer5 Yes, at @tatiang mentioned, please open a new topic if you’re having a specific issue testing and please include as much detail and your project URL if you can. It’s impossible for us to diagnose any issue with no specific information. I will lock this thread but feel free to post a topic and we all will do our best to help!

Thank you!