Issue with "when Screen Starts" event since Jan 12, 2021

Checked this version with web-app (published). The screen open blocks seemed to be working now, Thanks. Thunkable staff.

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it’s working but there is a different bug for me on ios. when I’m downloading my app or publishing it, a lot of pictures in my app is getting cut. don’t know what causes it, but it’s not possible to publish a version with half the pictures cut. did that happen to anyone else?

Looks like it is working for me on Android (I have not tested on iOS yet). @oreeldadln I am not seeing the issue you are describing on my app but it does in fact ring a bell…

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The demonstration app I created (see my prior post on this thread) still does function correctly. A proper solution will both render visible components AND have the start event occur only once per screen and the open event only occur on screen opening. Neither production or staging meet both criteria for my demonstration app. :cry:

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@drted I totally agree with you. I am still getting the screen-reopen even in the app compiled on the staging environment :frowning:

Just checked on iOS, the issue has been fixed there but I am still seeing the “top bar color not being the same as the screen’s background color” issue as well as the multiple start screen opens.

For me on android I still have the bug when I open the screen with top tap navigator everything loads from 0 multiple times

ios is working for me.
android doesn’t work.

For me on android and ios i still have the bug

Did you download your app from the staging environment or the production one?

look my app is already published on app store and google play before this bug start
and i create a new update for my app and the problem when i start test my app on ios from thunkable live app or download it fom thunkubel to test it
but now i cant send the new update because its working good in the old one

You don’t need to remove the working version from your devices to install the test one. Just go to the staging (test) environment (link). My recommendation is to temporarily change your app’s id to something like and use the Download option to send it via email to your iOS device and to download the APK to copy to your Android device and install it manually. This way you can have both working and test versions on your devices. The reason you most probably say that you are still seeing the issue is because you have not downloaded the app from the staging environment since the fix is not yet deployed to the production environment.

I hope this helps

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but when i test my app throw thunkable live app i still have the bug ???

Yes, because the Thunkable Live app uses the production environment, not the staging environment where the fix is available.

oh okay thank u so much now i understand

Thanks for testing @drted

I took a look at your demonstration project and apparently there seems to be 2 issues that I can see immediately

  1. On Web: The labels on both the screens on which the actions are performed aren’t visible to me as shown in the attached image. Are you able to see them?
  2. Multiple firing of the blocks - We will be looking into it more and get back to you.
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Thanks for testing @oreeldadln @gobassky and glad to hear the blocks work for you on Web.
@oreeldadln @Deluxe We will be looking into the multiple starts/opens next and get back on this thread


The image of the web preview matches my experience

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when i use this block i still have the bug on ios
Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 5.12.59 PM

Are you testing on the Thunkable Live app or have you downloaded a version from the staging environment?