Issue with my JPEG images in the download


I developed an anaotmy app and was testing how it looked as an app on my iphone 8, my mother’s iphone 8, and my father’s iphone 12+. I did not find any issues with the images or any other features when testing on my phone, however, when testing on my father’s phone, I saw that the jpeg images I created were half grey. Will this be the case when it is on the app store? How do I fix this situation? I attached an image to show it better.

Thank you!


If your issue is only when testing with LiveApp, sometimes this is happening because some assets needs time to upload. Will not happen when install as a stand-alone app.
To fix this issue of LiveApp, just clear ThunkableLive app cache and start again (if you have something like this on iOS - im talking about Android, im not familiar with iOS).

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It’s iOS and it happens when we download it onto the phone to see how it looks. Not the live testing but the download.