[Solved] Sound playback not working

Anyone else having a problem with sound playback in Thunkable Live and TestFlight?

I have an app that was working fine and I haven’t changed the blocks on the screen where sound playback occurs.

But on iOS devices, there is no sound. It works fine on Android devices.


But maybe it’s just something corrupt in my project.

Because I wasn’t able to reproduce it in this one:


The rain sound starts right when the screen opens in Thunkable Live.


I’ve been having the same problem with Android Live and apk. No sounds. Just test this app you posted and same, no sound playback.

*since 03/18/21

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Now it’s working in Thunkable Live but not in a downloaded iOS app and not when published to TestFlight.


Another update:

On Android, everything works fine in Thunkable Live.

On iOS, no sound playback occurs in Thunkable Live.

When I check the “on error” event for sound play, I get “3: Error loading Source: undefined”

I’m using button text because labels are currently broken.

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Here’s a sample project that demonstrates the problem:


On an Android device, the sample sound starts playing and I see “file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3”

On an iOS device, there is no sound and I see “2: Error loading Source: undefined”


Thanks @tatiang and @hhuman - we’ve filed a bug report about this and should have an update for you later today


Thanks! Good to hear. I foolishly published an update to my app without checking all of its features and the sound play that had been working fine is now broken so I’m eager to publish another update with it fixed.


Hi @domhnallohanlon Any updates?

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Hey @tatiang - I mentioned this to someone on the chat support earlier today but a member of the team is looking at it. Looks like we’ll be updating to a newer library for Audio fiels, which in the short run might mean this needs an extra day for testing before it gets released, but longer terms will mean a better experience with Audio files for everyone (and not just on iOS!)

Will keep you all updated as I learn more, thanks!



Where do you find “set sound” option? I do not see that in my Thunkable.


Thanks for your help.
Above code do not play the sound.


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This is a known issue that just started not working and Thunkable staff are working to fix it.


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Thanks for your response.
It does not work on the laptop as well.

I am using Android phone.


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This is an iOS issue. It should still work in Thunkable Live on an Android phone.

It may help to put the “call Sound1’s Play” block inside of the “when Sound1 on source loaded” block.

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Thanks. Unfortunately did not work on the phone or laptop.


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No… on button click, set sound source. On source loaded, play sound.

See this project I made:


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Thanks. Yes did similar , but no luck.

Does Thunkable accept .m4a fie or it has to be only mp3 file?


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I don’t know. But I just read two topics here that say there may be problems playing .m4a fies. Try an .mp3 file and see if that works. For example, what happens when you Live Test my project (link above) on your device in Thunkable Live?

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I’m having no luck with mp3 on both ios and android. Are you sure this is only an iOS problem right now?

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Not sure… I just know it had worked on Android earlier.

An update: