How to make Add to Cart Button Work

Hi i was just making a app for shopping with some food items but i dont know how i can make the add to cart button work so when i click at Add to Cart then it shows a Alert and if user confirms it then it adds it to cart and they can view it later

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To build this feature you could use alert blocks.

How do i bro i aldready used can you send me a picture of code

hi aryan,
i have used a similar feature in one of my previous projects. I initialized a variable named (my shopping item, in this case flower) to 0. when the + button is pressed for the flower item, it changes the number of flowers by 1. while the minus button does the opposite. it will call an alert if the item amount is already 5 (you can change it to however many you want) and will call an alert if the item amount is already 0.

if you would like me to explain more, please feel free to ask me.
my pleasure to help.

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forgot to mention, it call an alert if the item amount is 0 and the + button is pressed to just make sure the user wants to buy it. you can remove it if you want

Please help get a module of this

Hi do you how to make drop list button for select the amount item they want , and the + - if the customer want add more than 1

hi @tashasraff78, could you explain what you mean by a drop list button and maybe explain your problem in a bit more detail, because i dont completely understand what you want


right now I’m looking for a way to make a drop down list of selected images according to size, an example of the drop down list is in the picture below, this is for a university final project but most of the components I found are for “pro” only such as list picker and spinner. so i need the component in the thunkable free. Do you know how to make a drop down list in thunkable free?

a simple list component is needed with it stating all the items inside of it. now what you want to do is when simple list item click, display item (do it however you want, either by setting a label’s text, displaying an image or both). then using what i have explained earlier with the incrementing and decrementing feature display a button to do this feature which will allow the item amount to increase or decrease

hope this is what you are looking for!

and the code to make the drop down list is, when button pressed, set simple list visible to true and when item click, set the simple list visible to false. you can alter this to your needs

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