How do I add a Privacy Policy to my app?

Your app has an APK with version 3 code that asks for permission: android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE. Apps that use this permission in an APK must have a Privacy Policy set.

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Hey @Hemerson_Prestes :wave:

Looks like you’re trying to add a privacy policy to your app.

Here’s the first result that comes up when you search the Community for “privacy policy”


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Your app has an APK with version 5 code that asks for permission: android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

PlayStore — I’m from Brazil I don’t speak english

Google Translate !!

How do I remove this permission

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You need to create a privacy policy for your app.

Or use APK Editor Studio, you need to get the keystore for your app but you can remove any permissions and repackage the app.

There are tutorials online how to do this.