How can users access only their own data?


I have read / watched so much content before posting as I am sure there is an obvious answer! I really appreciate any help.

I am creating a simple productivity/task manager app for my clients.

I would like my users to be able to log into any device to access their content. To view the content from multiple devices I understand I need to use the cloud variable. (Please let me know if I am wrong)

When I have tested with app or stored variable I can only access data inputted from the original device.

However, when I use the cloud variable any notes inputted are written over by the next user. I would like each client to be able to log in, submit and view their own tasks only.

Please help :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance.


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By using cloud variables you can use the cloud of Thunkable or your own cloud (Firebase) so your solution will need you to setup a Firebase RealTime DB first.

You will then need to identify each user of your app and this could be done by usin the sign-in component in Thunkable which is part of Firebase.

Once the use is authenticated then you will use the unique user account created by the sign-in module and create a key using this unique account in the RTDB.

Now that when the user keys in any info/data then you need to store it under this user account and every time the user logs in to your system he/she will be directed to this unique account according to the login credentials.

This is the high level explanation of how to segregate use data.

Hope this helps

Thank you for your response.
I have created a sign in page and real time database. This is the first time I am learning about creating a key. I will do some more studying. Thanks again.

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