Google sheets row data identified but update does not work

Hi there,
iwm new here but great APP!
i use google sheets as a DB for a phonebook app.
when i click an item in the DataViewer it recognize and present the information, but when i try and update the any field for the relevant contact it is not working
thanks in advanced

After all the updates go through, you will have to use this refresh data block to have the data viewer update what is showing.

Thanks for the response Brian but, i cannot refresh the data viewer because it is in a different screen…
would realy appritiate if you could take a look…

Have you changed out the data source you are using?

I did not, i noticed that the update seems to be happening in a different (“Search”) TAB and not the designated “People” - BUT… it does it for the correct \ relevant iniput ROW that was changes.
I cannot share the form…

I checked with our engineering team and as of now, Google Sheets only reads from cached information when the app first starts. When you modify the data in Google Sheets, it will continue to read from the cached information. I would recommend using another data source if you need to update the data source often.

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to create new rows in my Google Sheets with some columns containing predefined formulas