How do I set a label's text to a row/column in a google sheet and get updated

When I set label text to get value from a google sheet, and even when I put this block in a timer and when screen opens thee label still doesn’t update if the google sheet updates

The data viewer will not update dynamically when the data changes. You will have to use the refresh data block to have it show the new changes.

I am talking about using just a regular label not a data viewer

My apologies, I had misread your post. Could you share the blocks you have set up?

I am not currently home/ with a computer and won’t be for a while. Bassicly what I just did is when screen opens, I set a label to get value of a certain column and row from a google sheet. I also added a timer that fires every 30 min (but for testing purposes I set it to every minute) and when it fires it does the same thing with setting it to the value from the google sheet. I previously had looked up how to do this, because it doesn’t update after first being set and it said there is not fix, from what I was seeing.

I just found out that labels to update with the get value block from a google sheet but only if you close the app and re-open it, not while the app is open which is some cases can be problematic is there any way to get around this?

So I checked with my team and it looks like currently with Google Sheets, the data is cached so any changes will not reflect on your app because it still pulls from the cached data. This is something that I made the team aware of and will potentially look into a better solution in the future; however, for now, I would recommend using a different data source if you need to grab data that is constantly changing.

ok thanks but is this true? just want to make sure its not a bug or testing only thing:

I just found out that labels to update with the get value block from a google sheet but only if you close the app and re-open it, not while the app is open

Yes. I have confirm with our engineering team as well. As of right now, it will only read from the cached information.

Another question, does this also apply to images? Like I have a URL to an image stored in Cloudinary on my Google Sheet. So does the same thing apply that the image component/thunkable will only read the cached info and not if the link URL gets deleted/ changed?

If the URL exists on Google Sheets, then it will only read from the cached Google Sheet which would include the URL link. The alternative would be to use another data source or to use FIrebase if you want to fetch the live data everytime.

Is airtable cached (like google sheets) or is it fine to use to live update labels and images?

Airtable is fine to use for live updates. It will require the use of the refresh data viewer block to see any new changes.