Freelance Opportunity - Simple Login Screen Required

Hello everyone! Im back with another question. Code someone do this code for me?
Screen 1 ( login)
Add two labels for user name and two textbox for password
Do coding: if both textbox has same text, then go to next screen

NOTE: I do not need to create a separate firebase or anything like that. Just do whats mentioned above. Help appreciated, thanks! Also, no logins or anything, just a simple username and a password. Once again, THANKS!

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I can help you with this. Send me a private message with more details. A sketch/screenshot of what you want would be helpful. The coding you’re describing is very simple… probably a half hour of my time unless there’s more you haven’t mentioned.

I can let you know my consulting fees, etc.


I’ll build this for 100$ but you need to explain the business model/use case first.

Just a login screen sounds like it’ll be used for spoofing its end users into storing personal information where its accessible to you, the admin.