Login screen problem

I need help with this login screen … it doesn’t work … what is the wrong ? Is it the blocks or another thing?

You should use the Firebase Sign Up and Sign In blocks. There are many reasons those are better than trying to make your own system.

See this: User Sign Up, Sign In, and Authentication with Firebase | Drag and Drop | Thunkable Docs

I have many screens, and for each screen there are people who have access to it but not others. One authentication table for the entire project is not enough. That is why I can’t use firebase.

Is there any way to do that, even using firebase @tatiang

I think so but it would be complicated to set up. Right, now as a Thunkable Certified Expert, I’m helping a client to set up an app that gives access to shared information for multiple users. It might be exactly what you’re describing but the idea is that there is a flat database structure where users have private data and more generalized data.

I would be grateful if you could explain this further to me

It’s complex and requires a lot of time. I started by giving ChatGPT my exported JSON from my Firebase realtime database. I asked for a better format and it showed me a flat database. So I figured out how to implement that over a series of hours.

If you’d like to pay me to help you, I’d be glad to set something up. But I’m not sure how much I can offer here because of the number of steps involved.

Thank you, just i want to know how to make a login screen using Google sheet … then i will handle