Firebase login, register and logout

Hi, i would like to utilise Firebase to set up a signin screen for my thunkable project. These are my blocks on thunkable first and the second screenshot attached is my login page, the third screenshot is my register page and the last screenshot is for logout page.

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Hi, even though I followed through a tutorial on the firebase login for thunkable, I still cannot store the user data to allow logins to happen. For instance, when I have already signed up and tried to log in after registering, the system tells me the user does not exist. Do you have any possible solutions for this?

Check the Authentication section of your Firebase console. What users are listed there under the Users tab?

Have you completed the verification email for each user? What happens if you hard code the email address and password using text strings/blocks instead of text input blocks?

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Hi i have already enabled the email. And, what does it mean by hard coding?

There is no email that appeared on the screen.

If Authentication–>Users shows no email addresses then the Sign Up process did not work. Firebase should email you a verification message for each sign up email you submit.

When I say hardcoded, I mean something like this:


This block will/should not work

when you register someone, the registration process will require the user to validate the email to complete registration and therefore you should not register and then immediately take the user to the login screen.

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It looks like you are not checking the is email verified block value. That value needs to be true before you move on with the sign in process. It’s also possible to turn off email verification in Firebase but that depends on what your plan is for users signing in.


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