Hi, may I ask if anybody knows how to solve the signing in firebase error. I have already verified my account and it has appeared on my firebase users however, after verifying and trying to sign in, they tell me that my account has been in use by another account. this can be seen in the screenshot I have attached . i have also attached my codes for thunkable and my firebase users.
You are attempting to sign up with an email address that you have already signed up with.
Where in your blocks is the sign up
function called?
Why do you have a “Sign In” button and a “Login” button? Do those do different things?
Can you share a link to the project? I think I know what the problem is but I can’t see the relevant blocks.
Your blocks are confusing and lead to errors. The screens you shared refer to a button
named Sign Up Button but it is not shown in your screenshots.
The more confusing issue is with the Login Button. While to depends on the state
of the app variable CurrentlySigingUp
it is also changing this variable. This leads to unstable code.
Sign in Screen with Stored Variables - Thunkable Drag and Drop UI - YouTube I followed this Youtube Video Tutorial made by you guys.
I was referring to these two
You are trying to check the state of the variable and change it in the same time.
That video was made by Thunkable Staff but @muneer and I do not work for Thunkable. We are users just like you.
hi , i fixed the code however, the user after verifying their email, they are still unable to proceed to the application. May I ask what code am I needed to add for the user to proceed to the next screen after verifying their account?
According to the first screenshot, you are navigating user to Login Page
. You need to select the page that you want the user to go to.
yes i tried changing to my next screen that I want the user to land on. However, it keeps auto changing it. How may I solve this issue
i cant navigate to the next screen after verfiying.
the second screenshot shows my code after making the changes.
There is no Auto-change
feature in Thunkable. Sometimes the changes did not take place yet and you need to test the screen more than once.
Click the preview button and close the screen then click the preview button again just to be sure you are using the latest code changes.
Hi , i have been sure the navigation have been updated to the correct screen however, I am still experiencing difficulties for the user to login after verifying their email./
This is a general sentence.
You need to specify what you mean by difficulties.
The difficulties is that my user, after verifying cant be able to login and get navigated to the next screen.
What do you mean by this?
How do you know your user is verified?
What steps are you taking to do that?
Remember, you can only check the verified status
when using the Sign In
It’s not clear to me that you’ve tried debugging your blocks in any methodical way. You can try this:
And then report back where in your code the problems seems to be. For example, you are checking the value of a switch and only navigating to a new screen if the switch value is true. Is it actually true when you assume it is? How have you confirmed that? Another method is to add a vibrate block and test it on a mobile device. If you feel the vibration, you know that part of the code was run.
Is the user being taken to a different screen than “Food Category List”? You said that happens automatically. Nothing in Thunkable is automatic. You either have a block that does something or you don’t.
More details would be helpful.
Thank you for catching this. I was referring to the first screen he shared which was correct and the navigation
block was not part of the switch
condition. It seemed he changed it to make it wrong.