Failed to read key AndroidKey from store

Friends, I need your help.
I am trying to download the generated application as a .apk file to my computer and I get the following error:

Error: Command failed: cd /thunkable/androidBuildServer/…/thunkableCompanion/android/; ./gradlew AssembleRelease FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageRelease’. > A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade > Failed to read key AndroidKey from store “/thunkable/thunkableCompanion/android/upload.keystore”: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 57s

But! I didn’t make any changes to the keystore settings :frowning:
Please tell me if there is any way to fix this problem? I don’t want to redo the application from the very beginning.


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software windows does not support
which is

error: request denied @thunkablecompansionn&googledevelpers{error:Command failed: cd /thunkable/androidBuildServer/…/thunkableCompanion/android/; ./gradlew AssembleRelease FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageRelease’. > A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade >}

your current software cannot access @21googledevelopersandroid:keystore
see this
try using a deferent device. or view the google analytics insights as “tell me my last android app key expiration visit” and which the restore key will change the status as well.

android key id =YOUR KEY
expire{chart:{expiration data}}

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Yes, yes, I know that Windows does not support an application in .apk format.
I’m trying to download a ready-made .apk file from thunkable to my local machine in order to transfer this file to my phone and test its work in more detail than in live-mode in a browser.

Can you tell me where exactly I can see everything that you have indicated? Unfortunately, I am just starting my development path, and many things are very difficult for me.

I tried to download the application using another device (I usually work on a laptop running Windows - but now I tried to do the download in the Ubuntu operating system included in the virtual machine) - but the error persisted.

By the way, I made a second sample application (literally one or two buttons) - it loads without problems on the local device in .apk format

In typical React Native development environment, this happens for number of reasons to do with the settings in gradle file and typically you will need to go the the project folder under React Native and run the command

gradlew clean

Once this is done the project will be recompiled successfully.

With our situation doing it using Thunkable, I believe it is best to wait for the response of one of the @Thunkable_Staff

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there’s nothing with any. only an google AI can get info which means asking the insights

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Dear @vishruth-ram
It will be very beneficial if you give descriptive comments that aid in solving the issue instead of ambiguous unrelated comments just to comment.

Do you know the issue of this post?
Have you experienced it? If you have, please provide how to solve the issue. If not then please do not just write general comments that benefits no one.

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I read the docs to publish my app that replaces video game by OUTFIT7
because my friend got addicted into it

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So, have you encountered the posted issue and was able to solve it?

I did face this problem number of times in both Flutter and RN (React Native) but have not faced this issue in Thunkable. This is why I have given the solution I used in RN and then commented that better to wait for Thunkable comments.


Thanks for your comments. I hope it will not be difficult for you to suggest in which specific section of Google Analytics you can find data on the key expiration date?
Unfortunately, I looked at all Google Analytics in my account, and apart from the sites connected to it (about 10 pieces), I could not find anything :frowning: Therefore, please tell me where exactly I can see this data. Thanks in advance!

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You are absolutely right - working in a ready-made environment (in this case Thunkable) - gives its advantages, but also disadvantages. In general - for a beginner - the functionality in the possibilities is great, but in case of errors - we have a minimum of possibilities for a solution.

Yes, unfortunately - you are absolutely right. Need help from the team. Wrote a personal message to one of the team representatives: Profile - amy_th - Community

I hope that in the near future someone from the team will help with the answer to this question.

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Just spotted this in the latest platform update (18th Aug) Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s connected to your issue.

‘Improve handling of uploaded [keystores]’


Thanks! I will try… :slight_smile:

Thanks! Everything worked out! Thanks!
My solution turned out to be a little simpler - but I came to it thanks to your hint: I took the key from the created application, exported it, and imported it into my application. Voila! Everything worked. I’m happy!


Friends, I need your help.
I am trying to download the generated application as a .apk file to my computer and I get the following error:

Error: Command failed: cd /thunkable/androidBuildServer/…/thunkableCompanion/android/; ./gradlew AssembleRelease FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageRelease’. > A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade > Failed to read key AndroidKey from store “/thunkable/thunkableCompanion/android/upload.keystore”: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at BUILD FAILED in 57s

But! I didn’t make any changes to the keystore settings :frowning:
Please tell me if there is any way to fix this problem? I don’t want to redo the application from the very beginning.


Hi @oleksiy.lavrynenko

You’re post got caught in our spam filter so just seeing this now.

Moving you to #thunkable since this is (hopefully!) not about #classic-extensions

If you make a copy of your project does the copy build successfully?

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I think this post is a duplicate of this which is already solved.

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(probably why it was flagged so?)

Thanks @muneer - merging these two topics now


Friends, thanks for your answers. Yes, the issue was successfully resolved.

I wrote one request from an account that was not activated in the community, but due to the fact that the question was very urgent, I wrote it from an active account. Therefore, there was a duplication of questions.

Thanks again!


The uu-booon-tuu (ubunto) software will write the code in google native android. in which blocks aren’t the same which shows its bugs. I have ubuntu software on my DELL-COMPUTER I didn’t try it though.

-thunkable@compantion&key=YOUR KEY$goo20%gledev@20%