Data Viewer List - Incomplete list shown

Following up on this to see if thunkable got this sorted out yet. Or if any progress has been made. Wishful thinking…

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Hey there @rojroj101s Any chance you could provide a minimal example that reliably reproduces this issue and share it with me? I looked through the forum post and I didn’t find one and I’m unable to reproduce this on my own. I’d be happy to escalate this is a bug first thing tomorrow morning but I definitely need to be able to reproduce it for the engineers to be able to sort it out in a timely manner.


^^intended as lighthearted humor. I really wanna help!

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This error (bug) comes up intermittently and I have seen it a number of times. Not easy to reproduce but you need to try it with a data source having over 100 records to see it. The Data Viewer List shouldn’t be in the first screen.


Just would like to addd the following:
I have the same issue only on iOS (installed or live app)

It is too late to me to change platform so, have found the below work around that works fine for me:

  1. Create one single label (empty text)
  2. Fill the its text with an “for each item” of the item list and cloning it
  3. Use "Any label"block to assing specific clicked text to any variable I need and move on… :slight_smile:

Hope this helps…

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After playing around it, I can say that it gets solved if you set the visibility of the Data Viewer to true for min. 2 times, or if you set the Data Viewer Height to fit contents for min. 2 times - both via blocks. In addition, you need to put a wait block even for 0.1 second between these blocks.

Anyways, I think this should be definitively solved by the team.


Has anyone tried Tommaso solution and can confirm it works?