Custom Layout Problems

I’m sorry. My mistake. It should be length of


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thanks @muneer , its kinda uploading slow so i will probably put loading icon , is there anything that i can do to make it faster @muneer?

Q2 : @muneer why is my background picture and my blue label streches i want them to stay still , how can i fix ?
app starts like this :

ends like this:

Project : Thunkable

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Choose from here the picture mode. Remember to check it on your mobile because it shows different between the mobile an the computer design.



The screen scroll setting effects the background image and the position of components.

@muneer , none of them works , once i did it like this

how did i do that i wonder ? :smiley: Do you have any ideas? how i managed to that?

@muneer do you have any clue about that ?

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Can you explain in a different way?

When the screen is filled with the list, you will not see the background image. This is what is in your last screenshot.

actually @muneer i was trying different things , and once this happened , all list squeezed into screen . Then i lost this

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Can you describe what you what to happen in a clear way so I can understand and try to do it from my side?

okay , this is what happned , standings (clones) started to squeezed to screen when i opened screen , and there was no scroll @muneer

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This means the scroll option in the screen properties is set to OFF.

You can leave if this way but you will need to add a column in the screen and set this column to be scrollable and now make the cloning inside this column.

@muneer its promising , but not working properly Thunkable
cant scroll bottom side and top side of it , and it doesnt fit properly when i tried at on my phone

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For the scrolling to work properly, you need to have the height and width of the column set to fit contents. It does not work properly if you leave it as fill container.

@muneer with those adjustments it looks good but , but its really hard to scroll to bottom of it
EDIT : you need to try so hard to reach 15th row and below

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I can see that you are setting the size of the column to 100%. This will show the scroll in PC but not in mobile.

What you can do is this:

  • Leave this column as Not scrollable
  • To add a new column inside this column
  • Make the new column scrollable
  • Make the size of new column as “fit content”
  • Make Row1 to be inside the new column
  • Adjust the cloning code blocks to add rows to the new column
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you are so good @muneer thanks , it works

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@muneer i tried to do clone thing with my defauly list , which part is wrong you thhink?

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You can not close the Data Viewer List. You have to use the Row that you designed in your custom DVL and use it as a row in the screen.

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@muneer can not believe it right now , my siralama screen doesnt work … it does not filter .
and my sheet SON DRL - Google Sheets

edit :can you use the bottom of the list "SON DRL " sheet from thunkable . thanks

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EDIT : tried many things , changing sheets or changing blocks etc , none of them worked @muneer

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OK, boss,
I will look into it just after I finish my tasks of today