Layout error in my thunkable project

getting a layout eror in my project , as you can see these two screenshot above , one is from thunakble app tesing and another from project design ,

one is from thunakble app tesing and another from project design ,can you please tell me why the container layout is diffrent , please help me on it
Screenshot 2024-05-29 170137

Hi @salmannawaz1724xjqj0, thanks for posting. Can you share a bit more from the design editor? How is your screen set up? Are you using the Layout component when creating this page? What is the resize mode set to for the component(s) that are not rendering the way you’d like?
Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 11.42.17 AM

As you saw my screenshot the layout in design tab showing the container is from top to bottom of the screen, but when I see on thunkable testing app , the container is not to fully bottom of the screen , and yea I tried with both resize mods

What device are you testing this on? It’s looking fine on my devices for both Thunkable Live and on a downloaded version.