Airtable's API will be deprecated on Jan 2024

Hi @maurizio.polverini89, let me know if you have any more questions on this!

Well @matt_conroy, yes i do unfortunatly, i’m sorry to bother you so much.

I tried what you said: pop the blocks out and put them back in. I don’t know if it’s working as i did it with old app, so it was working anyway.

What happened is that when i created a brand new app and a Airtable’s base, i connected it to Airtable through OAuth straght away, i never connected it with API.
I realized that the Airtable’s blocks dont work at all, they will always show me the error “undefined” even tho everything is connected. (see the topic here)

Also strange as there is a data viewer list gathering data for the same table in the app and it’s working just fine.
Data viewer connection is working, the blocks unfortunatly are not.

I had to use Data Source blocks instead that, i’m sorry to say that (you know i love thunkable and your job), it lacks of many features and has more than a few bugs.
As consequences of this test made, i think i will have to swap all my blocks in all my apps from Airtable’s blocks to Data Sources.

Since the 24th of January (the day of deprecation) is approaching very fast, i would really love an extra help on this, as my first app income is entirely relying on an app that uses specific Airtable’s blocks that can’t be replaced with Data Sources.

Like always, thank you for help and your time, i really look forward for your kind answer.