AdMob Troubleshooting

AdMob was launched for Thunkable ✕ in March, 2019. It’s a component that comes with great power as well as great responsibility so here are some quick pointers when you’re getting started with AdMob in Thunkable ✕.

Setting Up Your Account (Be Patient #1)

Typically your AdMob account will be active in 1 - 2 days, however it might take up to 3 - 5 days for your account to be activated. When you’re getting started it’s important to be patient. Use this time to refine the design and functionality of your app.

Earning Threshold

Every country has it’s own payment threshold (typically around US $100) so that AdMob can get a sense of the type of activity in your app. If you build an app that encourages users to click ads then AdMob can recognise fraudulent activity and will terminate your account before you can withdraw a cent. The best way to go about creating an app with a lot of earnings is by creating an app with a lot of users. Revenue is priced per thousand impressions. If you make an app that appeals to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of users then your will start to see your impressions go up.

Creating a new Ad Unit (Be Patient #2)

We have a full walkthrough of how to create your own ad unit. One thing that a lot of people don’t realise is that clicking “Done” won’t automagically create a live ad. For most users your ad unit will be “live” within 2-3 hours, but you might have to wait 2-3 days for everything to be ready to go.

Always Test With Test Ads

It can be tempting to start using your ad unit straight away, but while your app is still under development, Google recommend that you always test with test ads.

Submit Your App for Review (Be Patient #3)

At the moment we (Thunkable!) are manually reviewing all apps that want to use AdMob. Take a look at the docs for more on the review process.
Our target is to review all applications within 48 hours, and our current average is 20 hours, but about 8% of applicants have had to wait 3 - 4 days.


The AdMob component ships with blocks to help you debug the majority of errors you might encounter. Each ad type has an associated error value, which we recommend you display in a label.



If you see an error code of 0 then this might be our fault. It means that an internal error has occurred. Send us an email and we’ll take a look.


It’s not us, it’s you. :joy: An error code of 1 means that an invalid request was made. Make sure you copied your ad unit id correctly and try again.


This one’s on you too I’m afraid. If you’re seeing error code 2 it means you have a network connection error. Make sure you’re connected to the internet and try again.


You again, unfortunately. If you’re seeing an error code of 3 it means that there isn’t sufficient ad inventory to display an ad in your app.

This is the most commonly seen error code in the community and it is typically reported by users who have just started using the AdMob. Here are a few pointers to make your app as desirable as possible to advertisers.

Tip 1: Publish Your App

Error code 3 is most commonly seen by users who are side-loading their apps, and it’s no coincidence that fraudulent behaviour is most common in these types of apps. Having your app publicly published in an app store will help improve your “reputation” as a developer.

Tip 2: Allow All Ad Types

Tip 3: Don’t Mess with the Refresh Rate

Tip 4: Turn off the eCPM floor

Tip 5: Make Sure You Aren’t Blocking too Many Ad Categories

Tip 6: Be Patient

Finally, the most useful piece of advice is to be patient. As I’ve mentioned above, adding ads to your app comes with responsibilities.

By including ads in your app your are saying to businesses in your locality that you are a trustworthy developer with a great app and an active user base. Advertisers are becoming increasingly discerning about where they spend their money and what they spend it on. If you start thinking of your app as a business partnership you will start to see results.