Worst Volume Control Challenge

Recently read a post where a bunch of app developers held a competition to see who could make the worst volume control interface, in terms of usability or functionality. Was wondering if there are any Thunkers here who’d like to try the same thing out, as a fun challenge?

The post for reference:

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It’s great to see you active again on the forums, @codeswept!

I’m not sure I have time to code this but my idea would be:

To raise or lower the volume, you have to solve two random problems: 1 math problem and 1 reading comprehension problem. They start out very difficult but as you get them wrong, they start to get slightly easier. Once you solve both correctly, the volume is raise or lowered depending on the button you initially pushed. The next time you push a button, the whole cycle starts over with very difficult problems.


I somehow mixed up sin and tan on my physics exam today (where did that come from?), so if I used that interface i’d just give up and watch on mute😅

Sorry to hear that but yes, mute is probably the best option for any of these “solutions”!

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This sounds like a fun challenge. Instead of the worst volume control, I would maybe do a worst password creator or something like that. Or some like worst ui design since volume control isn’t the best.


Ooh, that sounds fun!
I once used a website where they flashed the Captcha code for a couple seconds and then you had to write it down from memory- don’t know where the devs got that idea from.

This sounds fun. is there a way to adjust volume in drag and drop yet? I have been waiting a long time to be able to transition one of my apps but this has not been available. I placed the request as was outlined a long time ago.

It is unlikely that it will be prioritized in the near future but I would be proven wrong. As a workaround, if you have a project in STP that you want to convert to Drag and Drop, I can do that for you and the Legacy Sound will remain. You can also save the screen in this project and then import it into an already existing project. From there you can copy and paste the sound blocks.