Worst UI Challenge

Hi and Happy Lunar New Year,

From today til February 16, I will be running the Worst UI Challenge!
In this topic, reply with a share link to your Module or Project with your worst-designed UI. It can range from the worst way to create a password to the worst way to navigate to another screen. For some examples/inspiration for terrible UI, you can view this subreddit here that is for intentionally bad UI design. More details and rules are below.

Thanks to @codeswept and his post for the idea!


  1. Submissions will close on February 16 and have to be either posted in the ā€œFree Templatesā€ category with the tag ā€œworst-uiā€ or as a reply in this topic. Share as Project Detail Page URL. If you create a Module, add your Module into an empty project then follow the steps above.

  2. It is up to your own interpretation of ā€œBad UIā€. There is no wrong answer. You are allowed to recreate other designs you see on the internet BUT you must credit the original creator in your post or in your project.

  3. You have to be the one who made the project. It is obvious but stealing other peopleā€™s work will not be tolerated.

  4. Javascript will not be allowed for this challenge. Native Thunkable only.

Other Details

  • Any user who has a complete/finished submission will obtain a Badge/Flair at the end of the Challenge
  • Any user who has a complete/finished submission will earn 100 cheers (for the leaderboard)
  • I will try to get different Thunkable staff to vote on the submissions and the one that gets the most votes will get a special Badge/Flair and an extra 50 cheers.

If you have any questions, leave them below.


ā€œCaptcha Captureā€

Hi everyone including @codeswept! I have an app that I know youā€™re going to love. :heartbeat:

For the best experience, try this in Thunkable Live on a phone and wear headphones. :headphones:

Let me know if you succeed! GLHF! :grinning:

Project link: Thunkable :beaver:


Massively did not succeed, but really enjoyed it all the same! It was a little bit disorienting what with trying to select the buses
I did try it on the phone with headphones as suggested and I think this definitely served the purpose of the challengešŸ˜…

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My back hurts for doing this Thunkable Project

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Love the song at the end, worth getting through all that

Since I totally didnā€™t realize that yesterday was a holiday (in the US) and how swamped things are looking at the moment, Iā€™m going to extend the challenge until the end of the month. So if you have a terrible idea, create and share that project here!

i dont now how to do this
i am just a kid :sob:

Hi everyone,
Thank you to everyone who participated! Iā€™ll have the rewards sent out soon. Thanks again to @codeswept for the idea.