Hi everyone, there are few other topics regarding this kind of issue, but any of these helped me. All running tests were done on iPhone XR with thunkable test app and also with manual profile install. I tried to use function “ignore notch area”, as well any kind of tricks, (modifying the resizing mode) but i’m stil here without a solution. Is this a bug?
There are some known workaround? I’m using the drag&drop version of thunkable. This is a photo of my issue.
June 11, 2021, 7:20pm
Welcome @fabio.biscia1 have you tried Turing on ignore Notch area or setting the Notch area color?
Yes, unfortunately this method doesn’t work
you should turn on ignore notch area and then change the background colour of the screen so your notch area will be the same colour as the screen’s one
I have the same issue as you. Did you wound any workaround for your problem? I will ad this as a bug in GitHub. Hopefully it will be fixed very soon.
I am also running on a iPhone XR…
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Hi. I have the same issue as fabio and I have tried to do as you say but still the issue remains.
Any other ideas or workarounds?
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June 13, 2021, 10:21am
I have this as a bug
opened 11:53PM - 20 Feb 21 UTC
So. The status bar issue is already known. I am using “dark mode” and most of th… e time I can see the status bar content but sometimes not.
Also. Sometimes the app extends the full length of the screen (desired) but sometimes there is a small bar at the scroll up area on my iPhone 11

In the first screen grab, the app covered the whole screen. In the second youu see what happens after having it open for some time; that available screen space stops happening and is taken up by a 10px or so high bar.
Here’s another example

And here
opened 03:36PM - 09 Oct 20 UTC
planned work
### Platform
Thunkable Companion and downloaded apps being ran with IOS 14 on a… n iPhone 11
### Issue/Request Origin
I'm having an issue with spacing. Specifically when I use a bottom tab navigator there is a white bar between the bottom of the navigator and the bottom of my iPhone. I understand that there is a black bar position there by Apple to let the user know that they can flick up on the bottom of the screen. I think that there could be a workaround for this. When you use a background color it creates issues because Then there is a white line underneath the navigator and it looks a little silly
### Steps to Reproduce
1. add a navigator to an app
2. add color to the navigator and screen
3. open on an iphone
### Project Link
### Expected Behavior
I would expect that the color of the bottom tab navigator extends to the bottom of the screen such that there is no white space unless white is the background color of my navigator. I would also expect that because there is the black horizontal bar placed by Apple on the iPhone screen to indicate to the user to flick up for more options, that the text of the bottom tab navigator is above that bar.
I would expect the bottom tab navigator to not have a white border I would expect the border to be the same color as the background unless I indicate it to be different
### Actual Behavior
Currently there is a white bar below the bottom tab navigator
There is an approximately one pixel tall white horizontal border along the top of the bottom tab navigator

Ok great! Lets hope for any good news soon then! Thanks!
Hi. Is there any updates with the status regarding this ? Is it taken care of? Is there any plane for a fix ?
Thanks a lot!!
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Do you know if there is any updates regarding this yet?
Kind regards
Andreas Sjöstedt
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