WhisperAPI not working

Hello everyone , I’m trying to connect whisperAPI with thunkable but it doesn’t work, I’m not sure how to set it up either I tried doing what previous posts related to this issue on this forum but it doesn’t seem to work. Can anyone share pictures or the code to use to connect whisperAPI? thanks in advance

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I really need to get the solution urgently for a project please help

Hello everyone. I am trying to integrate whisperAPI in my thunkable project but am finding no success in doing so. I am not entirely sure even if i have done the correct set-up from the start to i am requesting someone to kindly help out with the set-up since i tried from many searches but nothing further i am aware of a similar issue being raised by another user in this forum however the solution of that issue did not work for me. Kindly help since i need to get this to work ASAP. Thanks in Advance!

If it is urgent, I’d recommend hiring a freelancer or agency to help with this. What have you tried so far?

If you read the link @jared posted, it suggests showing what you’ve tried. Without a screenshot or a link to your project, we can’t help you troubleshoot what’s wrong.

This is what im doing and then the error i get. I have used Authorization: Bearer API_KEY in my headers too.

Hello @hardiksukhnandankldx :wave:
It seems that you are trying to send a file through the body which is not possible.
You could upload the sound file to Cloudinary and use the URL from Cloudinary on the API block.
Please see more about Cloudinary here: Files Blocks - Thunkable Docs

Heyy thnks for responding, i converted it in URL and sent it to the API but the same error appears. If i understood correct instead of simply using block ‘sound file from 5 sec rec’ im supposed to make sure its the ‘file url’ block right?

@ioannis, File in URL format is not supported by the API.
Here the error: API is expecting something like:


Hello @vishruth-ram
Thank you for sharing more information
The API you are trying to use accepts path but on Thunkable you can send files only as URLs.
You will need to use a backend service such as Xano that will:

  1. receive the URL
  2. convert it to a file
  3. send it as a path on your API.

Another user followed the same process to solve his issue here: Getting Error while Sending API request in Thunkable - #15 by whoocoder

thanks @ioannis and @vishruth-ram , i tried converting into url then into direct path and now the error is ‘Unrecognized file format supported filetypes: mp3,m4a so and so’ which occurs inspite of giving an d.m4a and .mp3 file. I have no clue why is this happening? Any ideas?

Can you please show me the file path that you received? It may not be having the extension (m4a)

Hello @hardiksukhnandankldx and @vishruth-ram
I’m sorry, but it is not possible to utilize a file path. The API block only supports URLs for sending files.

i tried converting the file into URL using cloudinary but the exact same error was returned

@hardiksukhnandankldx This is because the API you are trying to use accepts paths.
So I suggest using a third-party backend service such as Xano to take the URL and send it as a path

My mistake. It should be @path\to\onemorepath\file.mp3

No, this will not work, as I said, it is not possible to send a path. Please see the previous messages.

any other alternative to xano , like within thunkable itself?